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> Wifislax > Wifislax 4.12 - LQ ISO - LinuxQuestions.org
The distribution ships with Linux kernel 4.4.16, .. wifislax-4-12-final.iso (1,723MB, .. Wifislax is a Slackware-based live CD containing a variety of security and .
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Wifislax 4.4 - LQ ISO - LinuxQuestions.org
Wifislax is a Slackware-based live CD containing a variety of security and forensics tools.. The distribution's main claim to fame is the integration of various .
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Wifislax 4.10.1 Final 15/07/2015(Descarga Oficial + Mega)Pues una vez mas, se libera una nueva versin de la suite de seguridadwireless.
Wifislax Download - Softpedia Linux
Free Download Wifislax 4.12 .. It is distributed as a single Live CD ISO image that can run on both 64-bit and 32-bit CPUs.. .. 2.4.4 >> Updated gcc-4.8.3 .
Tus Necesidades en un solo lugar.: Wifislax v.4.10.1 Final .
DESCRIPCIN WiFiSlax es una distribucin GNU/Linux en formato *.iso basada en Slackware con funcionalidades de LiveCD y LiveUSB pensada y diseada para la .
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Distribution Release: Wifislax 4.12 (DistroWatch.com News)
2016-08-06: NEW Distribution Release: Wifislax 4.12: Rate this project: Wifislax is a specialist a Slackware-based Linux distribution with a set of tools and .
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